Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Pandora's: Blog 13: CATW # 5: How to Do One Thing at a Time

Pandora's: Blog 13: CATW # 5: How to Do One Thing at a Time: "The authors most important ideas in 'How to Do One Thing at a Time' by Nancy Jones of the women's health magazine is knowing multi-tasking i..."

Claim:"Talking on the phone while driving is a dumb idea"
The author Kristina did an okay job.
She had a good claim.
One of her examples was really good because she realted to it.

In my opinion her essay could have been a longer.
She could've use more reasons and evidence from the article.
She did not summarize,she just pointed out the authors main point.
Her summary made me a bit confuse because i didnt know what the article was really about.

Needs to work on her summary.
Needs to clarify her second evidence.Needs to seperate her paragraphs because its too much for just two paragraphs.
Needs to work on grammar; there was some grammar errors: usage of comas and short sentences.

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