Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Blog Entry 4.4

I’m sitting on the train with my headphones trying not to think so much about the essay. I get off and I buy some snacks. I arrive to the E building at 5:20, 15 minutes before the test start. I’m sitting outside the room drinking water and having a little snack. I make sure that I go to the bathroom so that I won’t go once I start (because I’m not allow).I’m feeling a bit anxious because I want to get over it. I step inside the room and feel a bit nervous because I don’t want the prompt to be something I can’t relate. I begin my essay, I start to read the reading slowly and carefully so I can focus then I read the prompt again and re read the article so that I can remember what I can use for the essay. I highlight some quotes from the reading and put a little note to the side saying evidence .After I’m done, I will take 30 minutes to do an outline of my essay I write my claim/opinion then I write 3 reason s why I agree or disagree. I am going to use 1-2 personal experience so that it makes my essay stronger. After I’m done with the outline I will begin to write and follow the order of my outline so I can concentrate better. I would take 15 mins to review my essay and fixed some sentences and misspellings or/and even add or remove things. After I’m done with that I will re read it and give myself positive feedback and give the proctor my essay .I would leave and have positive thoughts on head so I can feel confident I did good.

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