Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blog Entry 2.1 Archetype: The Caregiver

                                 Archetype: The Caregiver

What is a caregiver?
-A caregiver is a personwho demonstrate her ability of helping others in need.Her characterictic consist of being caring and baing altruistic.Altrusitic is when someone gives adbudence to other people and is wealthy not exaclty with money with other powers such as love.The Pearson Archetypal System , says"Caregiver types need to watch their tendencies toward martyrdom and enabling others,and to burn themselves out while always putting others first"This means that caregivers are highly altruistic and are naturarally compasionate of what they do.

"It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving" -Mother Theresa

When I think about a caregiver. I think about a person who is concern about another persons life. For example doing research i found that an example of a caregiver is Mother Theresa. As some people know, Mother Theresa was a very religious icon, and she helped everyone she could without nothing in exchange. She helped the ones who were in need such as the poor people and homeless people. She always extended her hand to help people with much love as possible. Therefore it clearly shows that a caregiver not only helps a person but does it with out expecting to be rewarded.

The archetype, the caregiver, reminds a lot of my mother .Not only it reminds me of my mother but my archetype comes from her side. The reason why is because my mother is over protective, in the sense that she likes to nurtureus and care about our wellbeing. For instance, dinner time, shell cook and serve every one of us, once we finish eating, she’ll start serving herself. This is an act of a doting parent, where a parent puts themselves first than themselves. This shows that she is very nurturing and constantly keeps providing the best for me and my siblings. Living with my mother i can see the resembles on me,because i like to sacrifice for people in order to help them and its something i do without expecting something in return. 


Mary Poppins

 Click Here !
In this website I found that a caregiver has a positive and negative.
According to Don L. F. Nilsen and Alleen pace Nilsen, a caregiver is person that is self sacrificing and has many responsibilities along a their journey. It also says that the negative aspect is that caregivers are guilt-inducers, for example they like to bring guilt out, and feel guilty about things. This website also says that a caregiver is a a person who is willing to help a person and empowering people with tough love.In this website they give an example of characters and people who are like caregivers and one of them was Mary Poppins.Mary Poppins was a very helpful person and nurturing because in the movie she helped the kids be obidient and help them with homework and cleaning,so being nurturing can relate to mary poppins because she was a character who did things like helping the kids with love and providing them with support and her service.


  1. I agree with the idea of caregiver I also like the idea of mother Taresa i never knew this. I see you also put your own experience how it reminds you of your mother very nice.

  2. I agree with you,the mother is a true caregiver(altruist). She will sacrifice many times for her children. So,remember her on Mother's Day...

  3. caregivers support groupThe Caregiver Space is a free social network that supports those providing Respite Care for Elderly, Caregiver Services, Dementia
