Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog Entry 3.4 The Meatrix

   In the film the meatrix, Leo and Moopheous go on an adventure to learn about the real story about where our daily meat comes from. In this film we see that Leo is a pig and moopheous is a cow, like in the movie The Matrix, we see that in this replica Morpheus (the cow) is trying to show Leo (pig) the real world rather than the allusion that he has. In addition the film also speaks about factories in today’s world and how it has changed from being family farms to factory farms, where agriculture corporations have destroy all the family farms in order build factory farms. This film explains that agriculture corps has destroyed over two million family farms because they want to maximizes profit since it’s the consumers daily source. In this film Moopheous talked about the difference about family farms and factory farms. The factory farms animals are treated badly, they don’t have much space to move, and that’s the reason why there are many bacteria among the animals that can be dangerous. Also the way they make more cows and chickens and pigs is by a feeding them antibiotics that keep them alive so more animals can be reproduce. finally, this film also teaches us that  aside from the allusion, people don’t know where they meat comes from therefore we are at risk to unhealthy food, So Leo goes on an adventure to learn more about these factory farms.

Meatrix: Revolting
    In this second film the adventure of Leo and Moopheous continues. Leo learns that people Are trying to eat much healthier but even thought that other don’t take action, there is still problems. Some of the problems that this film speaks about are that moderns farms and how they have the unhealthiest conditions. The modern farms use an artificial growth hormone known as RBGH which makes animals grow and is a source of food so that instead of growing naturally they are injected with this hormone so they can grow artificially. Moopheous also tells Leo that in these factory farms, calves, baby cows, are separated from their mothers to be fed with milk that is produce by blood of other ceased animals. Because of this there’s the reason why there is mad cows diseases between these animals that can harm us if we consume this because animals have bacteria. In this film Moopheous is taken by the enemies also known as the agriculture corps agents.
Meatrix II ½
     In this third film the main idea was about real world and how these factory farms are affecting us, the consumers. In this film the agents tell Moopheous that these factories are created with the purpose to feed thousands of consumers because of our fast food nation. In this film the agents say that the factories havemany dangerous working conditions. One of them is that workers can cut their hands while they are cutting the meat and if the process of meat packing is going faster .second the agents tell moopheous about the purpose of speeding the process, the outcome to this is that manure, cows excrement, can hit the meat and cause Ecoli, a bacteria that can make consumers sick. In addition, the agents tell moopheous that the reason why they speed up the process of meat packing is because they have to produce more profit, meaning more money and more consumers. And for this reason this is why people don’t know that there meat comes from a place where there is bad conditions like the one this film explains.


This article was about the main issues that workers face while working in factory farms. Some of the issues mentioned in this article were: health issues,working conditions,and working rights.This article said that working in a factory is the most hazadours job in America,meaning the most dangerous job because of its consequences.
The reason why is because these workers are exposed to many things such unhealthy and dangerous conditions.Some of the problems consistt of health issues,these workers are exposed to bacteria and diseases that makes them have serious health isssues.In this article the author mentioned that these worker have health problems because of the animals they work with.Famrn animals that are kept in a enclosed enviroment with these workers and mostlikely to get infections and other serious conditions that can affect them later on in life.This article says that workers can be atrisk when they breath in the gases caused by these animals and their manure.The manure of an animal can contain alot of bacteria and cause you to have respiratory issues.In addition these workers can get cut while butchering these animals.This article sdaid that 12 workers died while working at factorie farms because they have drown in animals excrement.
Also this article talks about workers right. It wsays that most of these workers are undocumented workers who are paid the minimun.This means that they work for a low wage because there isnt other people who will do this job.Even thoought they are not legal in this country they have working rights that protects them from abuse and health conditions,but it says that these workers are scared because they will loose the job and they wont be able to find another or are even afraiod that they would get fired.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Blog Entry 3.3 Practice CAT #3

In the article “The Net Is the Real World" the authors talk about the recent case of the teenager, who killed himself after finding out that his privacy was not so private. Tyler Clementi, a teenager at Rutgers University found that his privacy was leaked all over the internet, because his roommates had implanted a hidden camera. Soon after he had seen videos of himself in the internet having an intimate moment with another man, he decided to say his last goodbyes through the same way his privacy was invaded, the internet.Later, he took his life by jumping out the George Washington Bridge, where his body was found. What really interested me about article, was that it said that the perpetrators,In this case the bullies,would never know how much pain they inflicted to their victims.We can truly say that the reason why is because of all the emotional stress provoked by bullies.This makes me think how a person is capable to victimized a teenager.

     After reading this article, I believe that cyber bullying can be very hurtful, in my opinion; it is the number one cause that leads to tragedies among teenagers in today’s world. Nowadays I hear the news about death. We all know death is natural thing but young people dying is when things get the news i hear teenagers killing themselves and murdering someone. It is a very common topic in today’s world because there are more teenagers who have been a victim of cyber bullying. And some of the reasons are because of bullying and privacy invasion.
      Victims of cyber bullying, like Tyler Clementi can lead them to committing suicide because they have no other way of dealing with their suffering. After a terrible act like the one his friends did to him, it is likely to understand that Tyler felt maybe embarrassed or even betrayed that his roommates would do such thing. Because of cyber bullying Tyler Clemeti, these roommates and their actions caused a very sad tragedy. In the case of Tyler people were being part of this sad tragedy because it caused his death. According to the article is says that “Whether is an invasion of privacy, or outing, as in this case, or some other form of bullying, such as defamation, impersonation, or just plain being mean, cyber bullies can afflict mental anguish that can hurt worse than physical wounds because cyber attack can reach a vast audience,and can haunt the victim forever.”I do agree with this because is the only reason why a teenager who has a life ahead of him would kill himself.
          Cyber bullying can victimized a person's life for the rest of their lives or even a soon after their victimized. For Instance, I remember when I read an article in high school about a teenager committing suicide because she was a victim of bullying through the internet. This teenager was only 13 years old and she was an active user of a popular social network called MySpace. Megan Meier, had received a friend request of guy who she interacted with and felt feelings for, who she later called her “boyfriend” but had never met. Even though she had not met this kid she liked him and enjoyed talking to him. Little; did she know that the person she called her boyfriend was actually a neighbor friend’s mom who pretended to be a teenager to find out if Megan Meier was talking about her daughter. In this case this girl took her life by hanging herself after other people began insulting her. I believe that this girl killed herself because she had low self esteem and she was bullied at school so even then it is likely to say that she was hurt that a person would do such a thing. And according to the article “when it comes to bullying, the internet can encourage what psychologist call “disinhibition”.”
        Finally, I believe that cyber bullying is a dangerous thing to teenager nowadays because it can affect them very bad. The culprit of these actions should face with a sentence to jail because it is not a normal thing to do. There are more teenagers who keep dying because of being bullied throughout the internet. For instance in the case of Meagan and Tyler, two teenagers who were victims of internet bullying, by coldhearted people, now are gone because they weren’t able to handle mental injuries produce by other humans.

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According to my classmates i did a good job in demonstarating clear understanding ideas in the reading,giving examples,the structure and word choice.I dont know about Grammar usage because they didnt put any grade in the that part.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Blog Entry 3.2 Practice CAT # 2

The article “The Cyborg Advantage” by Clive Thompson is mainly about a question that the author asks: Which are smarter, humans or machines? In this article the author talks about the difference between using machines, like computers, rather than humans using their brain. In addition, he talks about how humans use machine intelligence in situations such as playing a game of chess where in the article he proves that humans do use machine intelligence in order to facilitate their moves such as calculations or help. Furthermore, he says that whether humans use or don’t use machine intelligence, nowadays people rely on computers and machine intelligence to increase their strategies. This article concludes that if humans and computers work as a team there is a better chance at winning and gaining an “aha” moment.
In my opinion I believe that computers and humans are smarter than humans alone, because if you work as a team you can gain more knowledge. I believe that use of digital assistance and machine intelligence can help a person have more advantages, rather than those who don’t use computers.
After reading the article, I noticed that computers have a great advantage towards humans. If humans and computers work together as a team they are able to be more powerful source. According to the article, the author says that “computers can perform endless lighting fast calculation; humans can’t”. I do agree with this because a human can’t add big numbers in less than three seconds, but with a computer who has a calculator, it is much faster to have a quick answer than taking time to do calculations.
Using a computer helps you win. If your playing a game your likely to win if a computer helps you with tips or helps you figure our your next step. For instance in a game of chess is more likely that a computer is going to beat you. But according to the article, in a freestyle online tournament of chess in 2005, “each competitor enter the position of their pieces into a computer and use the move that the program recommended to inform their decision-making” This helped the computers win, because of “blending their smarts with machine smarts. Therefore this study proof those computers can help humans become smarter.
Humans who rely on computers are the ones who are more strategic and smart. The reason why is because humans who use computers usefully and are able to gain more intelligence instead of those who don t use computers. According to the article the authors estates that, “people who are thrilled by personal; technology are the ones who have optimized their process-they know when to rely on machine intelligence” further on it says the result of using computers, “the upshot is that they feel smarter, more focused, and more capable .In contrast those who feel intimidated by online life haven’t hit the sweet spot”. We can say that there is a great outcome if a human uses machines because with the help of a machine toy can accomplish things
Finally I believe that humans who use computers and smarter than those who don’t use machine assistance because there is a great disadvantage if a human doesnt use  machine.therefore I belive that if humans are able to work together as a team like  the article The Cyborg Advantage"  says,then theres a greater chance that a human wins.


M KHAy: ARTIFACT 2 : CLONING: "Cloning in biology is the process of producing similar populations of genetically identical individuals that occurs in nature when organ..."

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Blog Entry 3.1 Personal Electronic Devices

Personal Electronic  Devices provides us with portable entertainment that makes us contented.

Reason: Listening to music

Evidence: Everyday when I am in the train i carry my ipod and I listen to music so i wont get bored.

Reason: Personal electronic devices makes us happy becausewe can communicate with a love one or family.

Evidence: Instead of making a call from a house phone, a cellphone,that you can carry with you at all times,can serve you to call someone you wish to speak too without a hassle.

Reason: With personal electronic devices we are able to interact.

Evidence: For example with the latest iphone, you can do video chat with another person and actually see the person and yourself in the screen of the iphone.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

school: fake booty pads

school: fake booty pads: "what isint fake about most of the things on earth?beauty is suppose to be natural but now in order to be beautiful you have to put on fake ..."

mikeyblog: Implants

mikeyblog: Implants: "The reason why i choose implants is because as you can see they are breast but artifical breast. They feel great look great but in actuality..."

Jamel:  Violent Games ...

: " Violent  Games      Is violent game an influence in the young children to day? Yes but N..."

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Blog Entry 2.3 Part III


In our lives we can say that we have watched a 3d movie. Three dimensional movies unlike regular movies are enhance so we can see movies in a whole dimension. For example in a 3d movie we can see the movie characters come out the screen of a movie theater with 3D glasses that makes us say “wow” . In this picture we see a scene from the movie Toy Storie 3 where woody is running along with his buddy. If we were to put our 3D glasses we would see that woody comes out of our screen .We would be able to touch him and see how he is running towards us.
The reason why I chose 3D movies , is because if we think about it, and the theme of the movie matrix, where one of the movie characters says that the world is fake. We can say that 3d movies makes our world artificial because we can see that with advance of technology instead of just seeing a plain regular movie at the movie theaters we can actually experience the movie characters coming out the screen.

      When I think of seeing a 3d movie is something amazing because back then there wasn’t so much technology that made movies look better like the way they do today.3d movies are becoming more popular and seeing the movie matrix I can relate that 3d movies are artificial according to the theme of the movie since the world is seeing as artificial. therefore that’s why I choose 3d movies because in the sense of the movie matrix we can see that 3d movies can be artificial.

Blog Entry 2.3 Part II

                         Call of Duty: Black Ops

Call of Duty: Black Ops -Trailer

Nowadays people want to experience what war feels like or what it looks like. Don’t think that these people actually want to go to war, what they want to do is experience war in a whole different type of way. The way that most people (who don’t have the courage to actually presence real war) get to experience war is by video games. There are many war games out there were they have really good graphics and you actually see blood and you get to shoot whoever is your enemy and get wounded. Most people would say they prefer to play a video game rather than actually go serve in war. With a any game console at the comfort of your house you can play video games such as Ghost Recon, Medal of honor and the most popular game name Call of Duty.

In this video, we see the trailer for the newest game Call Duty: Black Ops, In this trailer the narrator tells us the features that this new game has. If you take a look at the video and the narrator and the player shows us some of the moves that you can do such as shooting at your enemy, there’s also scenes where we see man in uniforms that look like actual soldier uniforms holding guns and getting shot.

The reason why I choose this video is because is an explanation of the game and there you get to see the setting of war and you see many graphics that actually look like real war,not real graphics but fictional graphics that make it look real.In this video you can see that Instead of actually going to war now you can actually play video games based on war theme at your house with any game console. With this video you can see that our world is sort of artificial because there things like this video game that hides the true meaning of actually being in war. And with this video we can see that our world can sometimes have artificial things like skipping out from experiencing war in real person than now playing it at home.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Blog Entry 2.3 Part I

                                                   Lazy much?

A mother using a Segway

Some people might say that walking is not their thing. People who don’t like walking or exercise would try to avoid walking by using alternative transportation modes. For example a person may use a car or bus, skate board or even roller blades, instead of using their own two feet to walk. Some people don’t understand the importance of walking or how walking can benefit them. For once, standing is better than sitting and walking is better than not walking.
In the picture above, we see a mom ridding a mobile scooter. We see a lady who is taking a “walk “ on the park pushing her stroller. The women is actually ridding a Segway and pushing a baby stroller instead of walking in the park pushing her baby stroller, just like any normal person would do. A Segway, is a two wheeled, self balancing scooter. This Segway, shows the artificial side of the world because if you think about it, you notice that people would choose a mobile scooter instead of walking to work or take a walk in the park. This is an example of illusion to the real world because when I think about ancient years people had to walk and go through obstacles in order to get to their destination. They had to walk long distances which nowadays are shortening by technology and this mobile scooter also known as a Segway.
Why do we have to find alternatives of transportation in order to get to a destination or do things? If we were created to be born with two legs then we should be able to use those muscles and walk instead of using alternatives. Therefore this is why I choose the mobile scooter because its something that makes part of our pop culture.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blog Entry 2.2 Truman Syndrome

           The Truman Syndrome is a disorder that affects ordinary people with their every day lives. This syndrome can potentially make a person go lunatic and think that their lives are being tape like a reality TV show. I believe that any person who is easily influenced by reality shows, any sort of technology, or even pop culture, they are most likely to develop the “Truman Syndrome”.
           The article “Life Imitates art as Truman Syndrome diagnose” is mainly about a mental condition named “Truman Syndrome”, this mental condition was named after the movie “The Truman Show” starring Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank. This movie was about a guy who did not know that his life was being recorded, but later, he realizes that his life was staged as a reality show, and all his “friends” and family were playing actors all along. The Truman syndrome has symptoms of paranoia, delusions and having the feeling of being persecuted. Patients that suffer these symptoms tend to think that “their lives are being played out on a reality TV show”. This is why patients with this problem relate to “The Truman Show”.
          A person can develop the Truman syndrome if they are a target to self deception. If a person believes that their being hunted or in this case being recorded or subject to inappropriate drug use, they can be affect with the Truman syndrome. The author of the article says,” delusions can be a symptom of various psychiatric illnesses, as well as neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s diseases. Some drugs can also make people delusional“. This disorder is significantly important because people can have these symptoms and slowly become delusional and lead to them having “Truman syndrome”. If they do develop this symptoms that it can gradually make them more crazy .They would believe that their lives are being tape like in the case of Truman Burbank. According to the article, Dr Joel Gold a physiatrist and his brother “learned about 50 more people with similar symptoms” It is most likely to say that if there’s 50 similar cases then it’s probable that there’s even more cases of this syndrome.

          This condition can be serious because people get influence very easily because of the internet. In such cases that they are likely to develop some of the symptoms like paranoia and have delusions. For instance, in the case of a patient in Australia, a girl believed that she was being recorded and was becoming a walking webcam, because she was addicted to the internet. According to the article, studies say that “Delusions tend to be classified by broad categories, such as the belief that one is being persecuted, but research has shown culture and technology can also affect them” This shows that this Australian girl develop these symptoms because of the consistence use of technology. The reason why there can be so many cases like these because technology can be a powerful tool that can easy influence people in a negative way.
The Truman syndrome can gradually make a normal person be convinced that there lives are being taped. The symptoms can go from bad to worse. If a person starts having delusions it can be worsen by paranoia. The Truman syndrome doesn’t just come out of nowhere. This syndrome is caused by many things, such as pop culture and technology and things that can easily influence us. Therefore people who are easily influenced by these things are most likely to be convinced that there life’s are like reality show.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Blog Entry 2.1 Archetype: The Caregiver

                                 Archetype: The Caregiver

What is a caregiver?
-A caregiver is a personwho demonstrate her ability of helping others in need.Her characterictic consist of being caring and baing altruistic.Altrusitic is when someone gives adbudence to other people and is wealthy not exaclty with money with other powers such as love.The Pearson Archetypal System , says"Caregiver types need to watch their tendencies toward martyrdom and enabling others,and to burn themselves out while always putting others first"This means that caregivers are highly altruistic and are naturarally compasionate of what they do.

"It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving" -Mother Theresa

When I think about a caregiver. I think about a person who is concern about another persons life. For example doing research i found that an example of a caregiver is Mother Theresa. As some people know, Mother Theresa was a very religious icon, and she helped everyone she could without nothing in exchange. She helped the ones who were in need such as the poor people and homeless people. She always extended her hand to help people with much love as possible. Therefore it clearly shows that a caregiver not only helps a person but does it with out expecting to be rewarded.

The archetype, the caregiver, reminds a lot of my mother .Not only it reminds me of my mother but my archetype comes from her side. The reason why is because my mother is over protective, in the sense that she likes to nurtureus and care about our wellbeing. For instance, dinner time, shell cook and serve every one of us, once we finish eating, she’ll start serving herself. This is an act of a doting parent, where a parent puts themselves first than themselves. This shows that she is very nurturing and constantly keeps providing the best for me and my siblings. Living with my mother i can see the resembles on me,because i like to sacrifice for people in order to help them and its something i do without expecting something in return. 


Mary Poppins

 Click Here !
In this website I found that a caregiver has a positive and negative.
According to Don L. F. Nilsen and Alleen pace Nilsen, a caregiver is person that is self sacrificing and has many responsibilities along a their journey. It also says that the negative aspect is that caregivers are guilt-inducers, for example they like to bring guilt out, and feel guilty about things. This website also says that a caregiver is a a person who is willing to help a person and empowering people with tough love.In this website they give an example of characters and people who are like caregivers and one of them was Mary Poppins.Mary Poppins was a very helpful person and nurturing because in the movie she helped the kids be obidient and help them with homework and cleaning,so being nurturing can relate to mary poppins because she was a character who did things like helping the kids with love and providing them with support and her service.